PGE Outage Map Bakersfield - There are 2 outages and 7 at Bakersfield City. PG&E has assigned a crew to assess the outage.
This outage at [email protected] affects 1 customers. Unknown - PG&E will be assessing the cause. PG&E has assigned a crew to assess the outage.
The power outage occurred at 2024-10-08 15:52:15 and is expected to be fixed on 2024-10-08 15:52:15
This outage at [email protected] affects 6 customers. Unknown - PG&E will be assessing the cause. PG&E has assigned a crew to assess the outage.
The power outage occurred at 2024-10-08 16:10:34 and is expected to be fixed on 2024-10-08 16:10:34